Центр демографических исследований

Российской экономической школы

Школьников Владимир Михайлович



Кандидат географических наук, Институт Географии Академии Наук СССР, 1987

Научные интересы

·      Население и здоровье

·      Межиндивидуальные и межгрупповые различия в здоровье

·      Конвергенция и дивергенция демографических структур

·      Исследования в области здоровья и старения с использованием биомедицинских измерений

·      Смертность и  здоровье в России и Восточной Европе

·      Здоровье и социально-экономические реформы

Награды и достижения

·      2005 год - премия Международного Союза по научному изучению народонаселения (IUSSP) и Фонда Маттея Догана за  вклад в сравнительные и  междисциплинарные  исследования в демографии

·      Гранты: National Institute of Aging (USA), 2006-2013; Agence nationale de la recherche/ Deutscheforschungsgessellschaft, 2008-2010; Wellcome Trust (UK), 2002-2005, 2006-2010; INTAS, 2002-2003; United Nations Development Program, 1999-2000.

Членство в профессиональных организациях

С 2011 (по настоящее время):  Член WHO European Advisory Committee on Health Research (Комитет Европейского бюро ВОЗ по исследованиям в области здравоохранения)

С 2009 (по настоящее время): Член WHO Expert Advisory Panel on Health Science and Technology Policy (Экспертная панель ВОЗ по исследованиям в области общественного здоровья и технологической политике)  

С 2007 (по настоящее время): Член WHO’s Global Burden of Disease Study (Экспертная группа ВОЗ по исследованию  глобального бремени болезней)

С 2005 (по настоящее время): Член WHO High Level Advisory Panel on Health Statistics (Консультативная экспертная панель ВОЗ по статистике здравоохранения)

2002–2005 - Член WHO Advisory Committee on Health Research (ACHR) (Консультативный комитет ВОЗ по исследованиям в области здравоохранения)

2000–2004 - Глава Committee on Emerging Health Threats of the International Union for Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP). (Комитет по Новым угрозам здоровью IUSSP)

1999 -  Глава Еxploratory mission of the IUSSP for establishing a new Committee on Emerging Health Threats (Исследовательская миссия IUSSP по созданию нового комитета по новым угрозам для здоровья)

С 1995 (по настоящее время): Московский Дом Ученых, Демографическая секция

С 1993 (по настоящее время): Член IUSSP (Международный Союз для Научного Изучения Населения)

Избранные публикации последних 10 лет из 152 опубликованных работ



Timonin S., Shkolnikov V. M., Jasilionis D., Grigoriev P., Jdanov D., Leon D. (2016) Disparities in length of life across developed countries: measuring and decomposing changes over time within and between country groups. Population Health Metrics. Vol. 14. No. 29. doi: 10.1186/s12963-016-0094-0

Saikia N., Bora J.K., Jasilionis D., Shkolnikov V.M. (2016) Disability divides in India: evidence from the 2011 census. PLOS ONE. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0159809

Smailyte G., Jasilionis D., Vincerzevskiene I., Shkolnikov V. M. (2016) Education, survival, and avoidable deaths in Lithuanian cancer patients, 2001–2009. Acta Oncologica, 1-6. doi:10.3109/0284186X.2016.1156739

Danilova I., Shkolnikov V. M., Jdanov D. A., Meslé F., Vallin J. (2016) Identifying potential differences in cause-of-death coding practices across Russian regions. Population Health Metrics. Vol. 14. No. 8. doi:10.1186/s12963-016-0078-0

Saikia N., Shkolnikov V.M., Jasilionis D., Chandrashekhar (2016) Trends and Sub-National Disparities in Neonatal Mortality in India from 1981 to 2011. Asian Population Studies. Vol.12. Issue 1, pp. 88-107.

Todd M.A., Shkolnikov V.M., Goldman N. (2016) Why are well-educated Muscovites more likely to survive? Understanding the biological pathways. Social Science & Medicine. Vol. 157, pp. 138-147.

Андреев Е.М., Школьников В.М. (2016) Оперативная статистическая информация о населении: возможности и ограничения. Вопросы статистики. №3, с. 72-82.

Тимонин С. А., Школьников В. М. Возрастные особенности неравенства в продолжительности жизни среди развитых стран // В кн.: XVI Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества: в 4 кн. / Отв. ред.: Е. Г. Ясин. Кн. 3. М. : Издательский дом НИУ ВШЭ, 2016. С. 339-345.



Barbieri M., Wilmoth J. R., Shkolnikov V. M., Glei D. A., Jasilionis D., Jdanov D. A., Boe C., Riffe T., Grigoriev P., Winant C. (2015) Data resource profile: the Human Mortality Database (HMD). International Journal of Epidemiology. Vol. 44, No. 5, pp. 1549-1556.

Maslauskaite A., Jasilioniene A., Jasilionis D., Stankūnienė V., Shkolnikov V. M. (2015) Socio-economic determinants of divorce in Lithuania: Evidence from register-based census-linked data. Demographic Research. Vol. 33, Art. 30, pp. 871-908.

Oksuzyan A., Shkolnikova M., Vaupel J.W., Christensen K., Shkolnikov V.M. (2015) Sex Differences in Biological Markers of Health in the Study of Stress, Aging and Health in Russia. PLoS ONE 10(6): e0131691. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0131691

Jasilionis, D., Smailyte, G., Vincerzevskiene, I., Shkolnikov, V. M. (2015) Educational differentials in cancer mortality and avoidable deaths in Lithuania, 2001–2009: a census-linked study. International Journal of Public Health. doi:10.1007/s00038-015-0745-0

Smailyte, G., Jasilionis, D., Vincerzevskiene, I., Krilaviciute, A., Ambrozaitiene, D., Stankuniene, V., Shkolnikov, V. M. (2015) Educational differences in incidence of cancer in Lithuania, 2001-2009: evidence from census-linked cancer registry data. European Journal of Cancer Prevention. Vol. 24, Issue, pp. 261-266.

Jasilionis D., Shkolnikov V.M. (2015) Longevity and Education: A Demographic Perspective. Gerontology. doi:10.1159/000438901

Andreev E.M., Shkolnikov V.M., W.A. Pridemore, S.Yu. Nikitina (2015) A method for reclassifying cause of death in cases categorized as “event of undetermined intent”. Population Health Metrics. Vol. 13, Art. 23. DOI:10.1186/s12963-015-0048-y

Grigoriev P., Jasilionis D., Shkolnikov V. M., Meslé F., Vallin J. (2015) Spatial variation of male alcohol-related mortality in Belarus and Lithuania. European Journal of Public Health, pp. 1-7. DOI:10.1093/eurpub/ckv060



Jasilionis D., Shkolnikov V., Andreev E., Jdanov D.,  Vagero D., Meslé F., Vallin J. (2014) Do Vanguard Populations Pave the Way towards Higher Life Expectancy for Other Population Groups? Population. №4, pp. 531-556 .

Jasilionis D., Shkolnikov V., Andreev E., Jdanov D.,  Vagero D., Meslé F., Vallin J. (2014) L’avant-garde en termes d’espérance de vie montre-t-elle la voie au reste de la population? Population (ed. francais). №4, pp.589-615.

Школьников В. М., Андреев Е. М., Макки М., Леон Д. А. (2014) Рост продолжительности жизни в России 2000-х годов. Демографическое обозрение. №2, с. 5-37.

Школьников В.М., Жданов Д.А., Андреев Е.М., Вопель Дж.В. (2014) Быстрый рост рекордной продолжительности жизни реальных поколений. Успехи геронтологии. Том 27. №2, с. 229-235.

Jdanov D.A., Deev A.D., Jasilionis D., Shalnova S.A., Shkolnikova M.A., Shkolnikov V.M. (2014) Recalibration of the SCORE risk chart for the Russian population. European Journal of Epidemiology. doi: 10.1007/s10654-014-9947-7

Oksuzyan A., Shkolnikova M., Vaupel J.W., Christensen K., Shkolnikov V.M. (2014) Sex differences in health and mortality in Moscow and Denmark. European Journal of Epidemiology. doi: 10.1007/s10654-014-9893-4

Grigoriev P., Meslé F., Shkolnikov V.M.,  Andreev E., Fihel A., Pechholdova M. and Vallin J. (2014)  The Recent Mortality Decline in Russia: Beginning of the Cardiovascular Revolution? Population and Development Review. Vol. 40. Issue 1, pp. 107–129.


Leon D.A., Shkolnikov V.M., Borinskaya S., Casas J.-P., Evans A., Gil A., Kee F., Kiryanov N., McKee M., O’Doherty M.G. et al. (2013) Hazardous alcohol consumption is associated with increased levels of B-type natriuretic peptide: evidence from two population-based studies. European Journal of Epidemiology. Vol.28 (5), pp. 393-404.

Shkolnikov V.M., Andreev E.M., McKee M., Leon D.A. (2013) Components and possible determinants of the decrease in Russian mortality in 2004-2010. Demographic research. Vol. 28(32), pp. 917-950.

Rechel B., Roberts B., Richardson E., Shishkin S., Shkolnikov V.M., Leon D.A., Bobak M., Karanikolos M., McKee M. (2013). Health and health systems in the countries of the former Soviet Union. The Lancet. Vol. 381(9872), pp. 1145-1155.

Kibele E.U.B., Jasilionis D., Shkolnikov V.M. (2013) Widening socioeconomic differences in mortality among men aged 65 years and older in Germany. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Vol. 67, pp. 453-457.

Glei D.A., Goldman N., Shkolnikov V.M., Jdanov D.A., Shalnova S.A., Shkolnikova M.A., Weinstein M. (2013) To what extent do biomarkers account for the large social disparities in heath in Moscow? Social Science and Medicine. Vol. 77, pp. 164-172.

Glei D.A., Goldman N., Shkolnikov V.M., Jdanov D., Shkolnikova M., Vaupel J.W. and Weinstein M. (2013) Perceived Stress and Biological Risk: Is the Link stronger in Russians than in Taiwanese and Americans? Stress. Vol. 16(4), pp. 411-420.


Grigoriev P., Shkolnikov V.M., Doblehammer-Reiter G. (2012) Regional mortality in Belarus: trends, patterns and determinants. Population Studies. Vol. 67(1), pp. 61-81.

Jasilionis D., Stankuniene V., Ambrozaitiene D., Jdanov D.A., Shkolnikov V.M. (2012) Ethnic mortality differentials in Lithuania: contradictory evidence from census-linked and unlinked estimates
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.  Vol. 66(6), e7.

Tomkins S., Collier T., Oralov A., Saburova L., McKee M., Shkolnikov V., Kiryanov N., Leon D.A. (2012) Hazardous alcohol consumption is a major factor in male premature mortality in a typical Russian city: prospective cohort study 2003-2009. PLoS ONE, Vol. 7(2), e30274 

Metelskaya V.A., Shkolnikova M.A., Shalnova S.A., Andreev E.M., Deev A .D., Jdanov D.A., Shkolnikov V.M., Vaupel J.W. (2012) Prevalence, components, and correlates of metabolic syndrome (MetS) among elderly Muscovites. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Vol. 55(2), pp. 231-237.

Shkolnikov V. M., Andreev E. M., Jdanov D. A., Jasilionis D., Kravdal Ø., Vågerö D., Valkonen T. (2012) Increasing absolute mortality disparities by education in Finland, Norway and Sweden, 1971–2000. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Vol. 66(4), pp. 372-378.


Andreev E.M., Jdanov D., Shkolnikov V.M., Leon D.A. (2011) Long-term trends in the longevity of scientific elites: Evidence from the British and the Russian academies of science, Population Studies. Vol. 65(3), pp. 319-334.

Shkolnikov V.M., Andreev E.M., Zhang Z., Oeppen J.E., Vaupel J.W. (2011) Losses of expected lifetime in the US and other developed countries: methods and empirical analyses. Demography. Vol. 48, pp. 211-239.

Saikia N., Jasilionis D., Ram F., Shkolnikov V.M. (2011) Trends and geographic differentials in mortality under age 60 in India. Population Studies. Vol. 65(1), pp. 73-89.


Grigoriev P., Shkolnikov V. M., Andreev E. M., Jasilionis D., Jdanov D., Mesle F., Vallin J. (2010) Mortality in Belarus, Lithuania, and Russia: divergence in recent trends and possible explanations. European Journal of Population. Vol. 26, pp. 245-274.

Leon D.A., Shkolnikov V.M., McKee M., Kiryanov N., Andreev E. (2010) Alcohol increases circulatory disease mortality in Russia: acute and chronic effects or misattribution of cause? International Journal of Epidemiology. Vol. 39, pp. 1279-1290.


Shkolnikova M.A., Shalnova S.A., Shkolnikov V.M., Metelskaya V., Deev A.D., Andreev E.M., Jdanov D.A., Vaupel J.W. (2009) Biological mechanismus of disease and death in Moscow: rationale and design of the survey on Stress Aging and Health in Russia (SAHR). BMC Public Health. Vol. 9(293), pp. 1–16.

Leon D.A., Shkolnikov V.M., McKee M. (2009) Alcohol and Russian mortality: a continuing crisis. Addiction. Vol. 104, pp. 1630–1636.


Kibele E., Scholz R.D., Shkolnikov V.M. (2008) Low migrant mortality in Germany for men aged 65 and older: fact or artifact? European Journal of Epidemiology. Vol. 23, pp. 389–393.

Shkolnikov V.M., Jdanov D.A. (2008) The relationship between childhood and older–age health: disease–specificity, adult life course, and period effects. In: Demographic Challenges for the 21st Century. A State of the Art in Demography ed. by Johan Syrkyn, Patrick Deboosere, and Jan van Bavel. VUBPRESS Brussels University Press, pp. 211–222.


Shkolnikov V.M., Scholz R.D., Jdanov D.A., Stegmann M., von Gaudecker H–M. (2007) Length of life and pensions of five million retired German men. European Journal of Public Health. Vol. 18(3), pp. 264–269.

Shkolnikov V.M., Jasilionis D., Andreev E.M., Jdanov D.A., Stankuniene V., Ambrozaitiene D. (2007) Linked versus unlinked estimates of mortality and length of life by education and marital status: Evidence from the first record linkage study in Lithuania. Social Science & Medicine. Vol. 64, pp. 1392–1406.

Leon D.A., Saburova L., Tomkins S., Andreev E.M., Kiryanov N., McKee M., Shkolnikov V.M.  (2007) Hazardous alcohol drinking and premature mortality in Russia: a population based case–control study. The Lancet. Vol. 369(9578), pp. 2001–2009.

Shkolnikov V.M., Andreev E.M., Houle R., Vaupel J.W. (2007) The concentration of reproduction in cohorts of women in Europe and the United States. Population and Development Review. Vol. 33(1), pp. 67–99.


Shkolnikov V.M., Andreev E.M., Jasilionis D., Leinsalu M., Antonova O.I., McKee M. (2006) The changing relation between education and life expectancy in central and eastern Europe in the 1990s. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Vol. 60, pp. 875–881.


Moser K., Shkolnikov V.M., Leon D.A. (2005) World mortality 1950–2000: divergence replaces convergence from the late 1980s. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. Vol. 83(3), pp. 202-209.

Jdanov D.A., Scholz R.D., Shkolnikov V.M. (2005) Official population statistics and the Human Mortality Database estimates of populations aged 80+ in Germany and nine other European countries. Demographic Research. Vol. 13(14), pp. 335–362.

Vallin J., Andreev E.M., Meslé F., Shkolnikov V.M. (2005) Geographical diversity of cause–of–death patterns and trends in Russia. Demographic Research. Vol. 12(13), pp. 323–380.


Shkolnikov V.M., Andreev E.M., Anson J., Meslé F. (2004) The peculiar pattern of mortality of Jews in Moscow, 1993–95. Population Studies. Vol. 58(3), pp. 311–329.

McMichael A.J., McKee M., Shkolnikov V.M., Valkonen T. (2004) Life expectancy trends and setbacks: global convergence or divergence? The Lancet. Vol. 363, pp. 1155–1159.

Shkolnikov V.M., Andreev E.M., Leon D.A., McKee M., Meslé F., Vallin J. (2004) Mortality reversal in Russia: the story so far. Hygiea Internationalis. Vol. 4(4), pp. 29–80.


Shkolnikov V.M., Andreev E.M., Begun A.Z. (2003) Gini coefficient as a life table function: computation from discrete data, decomposition of differences and empirical examples. Demographic Research. Vol. 8(11), pp.306-356.

Philipov D., Andreev E.M., Kharkova T., Shkolnikov V.M.(2003) Recent trends in induced abortion in Russia and under–reporting in surveys. European Journal of Population. Vol. 20(2), pp. 95–117.

Andreev E.M., McKee M., Shkolnikov V.M. (2003) Health expectancy in the Russian Federation: a new perspective on the health divide in Europe. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. Vol. 81(11), pp. 778–788.


Andreev E.M., Shkolnikov V.M., Begun A.Z. (2002) Algorithm for decomposition of differences between aggregate demographic measures and its application to life expectancies, healthy life expectancies, parity–progression ratios and total fertility rates. Demographic Research. Vol. 7(14), pp.500-521.

Nolte E., Scholz R.D., Shkolnikov V.M., McKee M. (2002) The contribution of medical care to changing life expectancy in Germany and Poland. Social Science & Medicine. Vol. 55(11), pp. 1905–1921.

Chervyakov V.V., Shkolnikov V.M., Pridemore W.A., McKee M. (2002) The changing nature of murder in Russia. Social Science and Medicine. Vol. 55(10), pp. 1713–1724.


McKee M., Shkolnikov V.M. (2001) Understanding the toll of premature death among men in Eastern Europe. British Medical Journal. Vol. 323, pp. 1051–1054.